Petronad installs Reactor at its ethoxylate plant

Petronad installs Reactor at its ethoxylate plant

Petronad Asia Petrochemical Co., a subsidiary of Kimya Group, has finished installing the reactor at its 56,000 ton/year ethoxylate plant which is under construction in Mahshahr, south of Iran on the northern west of the Persian Gulf.

It will be a big achievement for Kimya Group once Petronad, nicknamed Blue Diamond, becomes fully operational since it’s anticipated to hold a major share of both domestic and international markets.

Ethoxylate and its derivatives are used in a wide variety of applications including pharmaceutical, cosmetic, agriculture, textile, paint, leather, rubber and detergent industries.

  • Petronad installs Reactor at its ethoxylate plant
  • Petronad installs Reactor at its ethoxylate plant